ī) FlowLayout(align): It is used to specify the alignment of components with default horizontal and vertical Gap. When a row has as many components as can fit, a new row is started. There are three constructors in Flow Layout Class.Ī) FlowLayout() : It is used to create center align component with default horizontal and vertical Gap. Each component is given its preferred size. Flow Layout: Used to arrange Components in a horizontal Line, If there is not enough space to fit all components then they will moved to next Line.Most UIs are built using some combination of them, typically by nesting layout managers. There are different layout managers built into Java. public FlowLayout (int align) creates a FlowLayout object with an alignment according to align and the Standard setting for the distances. The layout of components is dictated by the layout manager used. In the class FlowLayout we find the following constructors: public FlowLayout () creates a FlowLayout object with the default settings (centered Alignment of the lines, 5-pixel spacing).

In another way, it could be said that layout is placing the components at a particular position within the container. Layout refers to the arrangement of components like(TextField, Label, Button etc.) within the container. package caojun5 import import import import import ja. Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash